Saturday, November 8, 2008

Family Trip to Genting

It was one stretch Raya holidays in Oct. we planned to go for a budget & effortable holiday . however, due to the bad economy and rising of fuel costs, cut down spending are one of the main reasons to take into consideration. Of course we want to take a shorter trip or don't want to go too far. We still want to treat our family to something special at holiday time, how about a local getaway? Not to worry! Genting Highlands :) spur-of-the-moment holiday travel, have our daughter's belonging & snacks packed and ready, we begun our journey. Noelle was beautifully dressed & hatted. We try our best to allocate some time every week and devote that time to playing and interacting with her. We all lead busy lives with jobs to do, bills to pay and people to see. Sometimes i would think for a minute and say "What is the most important thing in my life?". As a parent that should be our child, yet how much attention do we set aside without distractions to play or talk to her. Bonding is a series of steps in our lifelong growing together with our child, it is not just the initial contact after the birth.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Noelle first visit to Subang Parade

last night we had our dinner at Subang Parade, also Noelle's first time been there. She looks happy at the location and try to explore as many things as she can. We let her ran all around the places, of course we always keep her in sight. We had a good time with her cos both of us are busy due to our hectic schedule during weekdays. Outdoor play is essential for my child's growth & learning. Daddy & mummy are looking forward for our next weekend family day.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Becoming Independent

Noelle is busy forming her own identity. She can stand well,walk well, put objects back in container. The most unforgettable words other than 'mum mum', she can even call me 'mama',daddy 'dada'. Am glad that she perform well in learning progress. she can respond to simple instructions and of course love watching animation and laugh at funny things. when she doesn't like anything or refuse to accept, she shake head to represent 'no'. very funny.. i wonder if i could spend more time to bond with my girl ..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Magical 1st year

What a milestone ! just think, a year ago I was still pregnant, wondering what my baby would look like. How the time has flown! my little angel is 'one' now, a simple and casual dinner was celebrated my first year of parenthood as well as my baby's tremendous growth into an amazing little person(not-so-little angel). we did a little mini-celebration at Tony Roma's with my mum & bro. 2007 was such a special year for danny & i. it's really an amazing journey for both of us.

Monday, June 2, 2008

CNY back to hometown, Ipoh (baby on board)

this year definitely the special year for us to celebrate CNY. we went back hometown with a little special guest. we packed up whatever necessary, diapers, formula, clothings, bath tub... we already know 1 thing cannot be avoided the 'jam'. a long journey for us to reach home on the first day of CNY. there was a stretch of traffic jam from the place we departure until the toll at simpang pulai (really scary experince).
but, most importantly was we worried abt the unhappy passenger (our little girl) for keeping her so long in the car seat. we got plan, Distractions! we brought her some favourite music and toys, her 'smelly' bolster and pacifier, of course. she was doing well along the journey, nothing much cranky. the travelling was really tired, but it was a great bonding experience filled with joy and wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Full Moon celebration on 26 jun 2007

we had a buffet dinner at my in law's house. we invited friends & relatives. i was so delighted by hubby's friends, who brought us such a special 'jelly cake'. Indeed, it's so 'sweet'....


daddy,you've made the commitment to both of us, no matter how hectic work schedule at office, you try to spend time with us. i still remember the way you swaddle or burp (a baby!), payoff for all those sleepless nights & change dirty diapers. thank you for being so supportive and caring, we love you forever (*@*)

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Precious Gift from God

An amazing journey for the low's family
During 40 weeks of pregnancy, i was worried about how come the 'little monster' could squeeze through such a little space, wondering what my baby would look like & of course worrying about my delivery (the labour pain). finally, my little angel has arrived & the beginning of parenthood.
It's a girl, she's so beautiful !