Saturday, August 9, 2008

Noelle first visit to Subang Parade

last night we had our dinner at Subang Parade, also Noelle's first time been there. She looks happy at the location and try to explore as many things as she can. We let her ran all around the places, of course we always keep her in sight. We had a good time with her cos both of us are busy due to our hectic schedule during weekdays. Outdoor play is essential for my child's growth & learning. Daddy & mummy are looking forward for our next weekend family day.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Becoming Independent

Noelle is busy forming her own identity. She can stand well,walk well, put objects back in container. The most unforgettable words other than 'mum mum', she can even call me 'mama',daddy 'dada'. Am glad that she perform well in learning progress. she can respond to simple instructions and of course love watching animation and laugh at funny things. when she doesn't like anything or refuse to accept, she shake head to represent 'no'. very funny.. i wonder if i could spend more time to bond with my girl ..